Because Every Little Bit Matters

Donate Today

Thank you.

We are 100% non-profit and we would be unable to provide support to our community without the generous support of individuals and businesses in Pictou County.

Your donations enable us to provide items and services to those in need that fall outside hospital funding, including things like in-home hospital equipment and ambulance rides. Thank you for allowing us to continue providing our community with much-needed palliative care for over 30 years.

Send Cheques to :
Pictou County Palliative Care Society

34-678 East River Rd
New Glasgow B2H 3S1

Send E-transfers to :

(we are set up for auto deposit)

For donations of over $20 please provide us with your mailing address so we can provide you with a tax receipt. Thanks.


PayPal Giving Fund

No fees, donate $20 and we receive $20

Canada Helps

Fees apply



Get Involved

We fill in the gaps the healthcare system leaves between their sentences: we take out their periods and add colons — or dashes. Are you ready to be an end-of-life editor?

Any little bit is a blessing to those in need. We’re always looking for volunteers who can help solve problems and make people’s last chapters be about the things that matter. Contact us today to find out how you can help.


Your contribution matters.